The National Association of Physical
Education was established in April 1990. It has a registered body
constitution with a membership of more than 1000 persons both men
and women representing almost all states in the country. Each state
has a representative on executive committee which was duly elected
by the general body in February 1992. The Association has also appointed
liaison officers one for each state to maintain contact with the workers
in the field of Physical education through these liaison officers.
It may be noted here that Padmashri Late Dr.P.M. Joseph was then the
Honourary consultant of the National Association.
Shree Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal, Amravati is pioneer institute
in the field of Physical Education and Sports. The First National
level Association of Physical Education was established in the year
1946. The Mandal had the opportunity to convene its First all India
Conference in its foundation year i.e. 1946 under the Presidentship
of Late Shri Sharat Chandra Bose.
The Second National Conference was held at Pune in 1950 at which General
Kariappa presided over the function. The Third National conference
was held at Calcutta in 1953 and was presided over by Late Justice
Puranik of Nagpur.
This All India Association carried out its work over ten years but
subsequently could not function for various reasons, particularly
due to lack of finance.
The proposal to have a National level organization for Physical Education
and sports was mooted in the National Workshop on Physical Education
and Sports convened by the Department of Physical Education and Sports
Sciences of Annamalai University in January 1990. About 60 experts
from the field had gathered from different parts of the country. There
was a general consensus of opinion that a well representative National
Voluntary Organisation in the field should be established with the
object of broad basing physical education and sports in the country
and playing an effective role in implementing various projects and
schemes which would render effective service to the youth and the
people of the country.
The workshop at Annamalia University appointed a small committee to
draft a constitution and other details of the National Organization.
This committee gathered at Shree H.V.P.Mandal, Amravati in February,
1990 and prepared a draft constitution which was finalized in the
meeting of representatives of different states held in April 1990
at Amravati. This resulted in the reformation of then All India Association
of Physical Education, into Nationlal Association of Physical Education
and Sports.